Fae ForestBiome
Found in Adventure Worlds starting at Uber-1 difficulty (Power Rank 250), native homeland of the Fae Trickster. The Fae Forest is the magical realm, battleground for civil war between Fae races. Defeat enemies and complete quests here to obtain Fae styles and Fae Wilds deco recipes. [item=item/crafting/faeriedust] and [item=item/crafting/enchwood] are found in the biome. [item=item/dragon/egg/spider_notrade_fragment_new] is a rare drop for Spiders and Fae Spiders.
Resources and Items found in the biome
- [item=item/dragon/egg/spider_notrade_fragment_new] from Fae Spiders
- [item=item/dragon/egg/bismuth_notrade_fragment_new] rarely from mining [item=item/crafting/ore_rare] veins
- [item=item/crafting/warpseed] from grass and rocks
- [item=item/bomb] from grass and rocks
- [item=item/crafting/enchwood] from Enchanted Tree Stumps
- [item=item/crafting/buggoo] from Caterpillars
- [item=item/crafting/faeriedust] from all Fae mobs
- [item=item/crafting/ore_common] from mining Shapestone veins
- [item=item/crafting/ore_uncommon] from mining Formicite veins
- [item=item/crafting/ore_rare] from mining Infinium veins
- [item=item/crafting/ore_fire] from mining Primordial Flame veins
- [item=item/crafting/goldensoul] found within Shapestone, Formicite and Infinium ore veins
Terrain and Sub-Biomes
Fae Forest has no distinct sub-biome. Aside from Adventure worlds Fae Forest apperas as Magical Atoll in Drowned World (Water Gem World, starts at Uber-3 difficulty, power rank 550).
Fae Wilds usually spawns as dense forest on elevated flat ground with rare small hills and crescent shaped lakes. Caves cover most of biomes underground but can be quite narrow.