Peaceful Hills

by Jeybix category Art Highlight

Featured Art Comments:

Kiwibird: "Excellent use of color and blending."

Entered into the following art challenge:

Gardening (Spring) Art Contest
Mar 20 to Apr 14, 2019

Created: 6 years ago

Views: 2368

Type: image/jpeg

Dimensions: 3000x4000

Size: 721KB

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Good work Jeybix, I really like this. I'm really impressed that you say you did this by mouse, how did it you do it, the lines are so crisp?


thanks sir! im so glad that you like it! btw there is a tool in paint tool sai that's called curve tool. you can manipulate the pressure of the curve or lines using it. It's just like pen tool in Photoshop but it's a lot easier and handy in paint tool sai!