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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Iron Man - Mark something or another mod
Looks good ^o^
Could use some material maps for some coolio effects like glowing eyes
Commented on: OMAE WA MOU SHINDEIRU!! Aura! NANIIII!!??? mod
Commented on: ExoDave Better Collections mod
Love yo utilities mods <3
Tho im having some minor (like really minor) issues with this one, there's no Exit button :^(
Something like dis maybe?
or maybe there is one but idk where..
Commented on: [Deleted Mod] mod
Commented on: Fidget Spinner Ally mod
Commented on: Crystal Cultivator Deli art
Commented on: Trion Worlds Shirt art
Thank you!
Using blender was quite fun, I'll probably make more in the future c:
Commented on: Trion Worlds Shirt art
Oh I see, guess I messed up that part xD
I've updated a new one, hopefully that should fix the problem :3
Commented on: Runescape Font mod
Commented on: Chronozilla's Forfeit Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Modding 101 Chapter 7b: Sharing your .tmod on Steam Workshop page
Commented on: Super Magi-Taur Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Radiant Warrior mod
Commented on: Unhandled task / 77 task
Commented on: Shadow Tower and Lunar Lancer - Creation Competition Results page
I just made a mod for fun and I suddenly win a contest without knowing xD (not exactly first place or anything but runner-up is still winning for me!)
Thanks! C: