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Commented on: 3 Years of Trovesaurus page
Good morning Good afternoon Good night. Happy birthday, well I met the site through a club that I'm up to, and I've been participating for a long time, even were commenting on the wonderful ones that are the free mounts that you make available here! Q for me is one of the best things on the site. There are also the draws that I think are great, although I have never won any kkkkkkkkkkk. I wish there was a system for donations, to help the site, I do not know if there is such a system, so I'm asking you to add it, anyway, that's it!
Commented on: 3 Years of Trovesaurus page
Bom dia, boa tarde, boa noite. Feliz aniversaurus \o/ Bem, conheci o site através de um club q estou até hj, e participo já a um bom tempo, inclusive estavam comentando a respeito das maravilhosas q são as montarias grátis q vcs disponibilizam aqui! Q pra mim é uma das melhores coisas do site. Também tem os sorteios q eu acho ótimo, embora nunca tenha ganhado nenhum kkkkkkkkkkk. Gostaria que houvesse um sistema para doações, para ajudar o site, n sei se existe tal sistema, por isso estou pedindo para acrescenta-lo, enfim, é isso!
Commented on: Paleolithic Panda Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Trovesaurus 3rd Anniversary event
Commented on: Cyborg Panda Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Admiring Eyetopus Giveaway giveaway