
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Mount Parade event


yknow you can turn caps lock off and re write the message instead if saying oops caps in the same comment

Commented on: Daybreak Daimyo giveaway

still gotta farm some cupcakes for the candy barbarian 

Commented on: Daybreak Daimyo giveaway

good luck guys

Commented on: Trovesaurus 3rd Anniversary event

Maybe for the 3rd anaversary you could make a code that lasts a week I mean starts on the day the 3rd anerversary happens then until the same day the next week maybe it could be the essentials pack

Commented on: Bon Bomba Giveaway giveaway

GL everybody lel

Commented on: Modish Marksman Giveaway giveaway

hope i win isnt this usally in the store only


Commented on: Trovian Tumbler Giveaway event

I got this idk how long ago but not on PC so win win