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Commented on: 3 Years of Trovesaurus page
Congrats on the 3 year anniversary,I found this site randomly when I was looking for trove related guides and information about items when I was still new to Trove, and I decided to join the community. Nowadays I use it for guides, posting art and mods. In the future I would like to see more modding contests and maybe some building contests to encourage other types of craft. Hopefully the community stays strong and good luck for the future.
Keep grinding
Commented on: Ronin Gunslinger mod
Thank you for the critisicm! it is greatly appreciated, firstly this didnt start out as Ronin i was creating a New year slinger mod, but after i was done i had a hard time actually comming up with a Title, im still thinking about the title. The guns are bulky and im still trying to make them smaller while still keeping the dragon aspect. yes, i would like to learn more about modding, I am willing to learn and improve .
thank you and
have a great day !
Escuse my grammar
Commented on: Etaewfest Colouring 1st attempt art