
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Trovesaurus Community Tasks - June page

Oh, didnt knew about this :D

Commented on: Trovesaurus Community Tasks - June page

Would love Trovesaurus to have something like a Tipps & Tricks corner, where you can just see random Tipps, written by experienced Players or search for specific ones.

For example a few simple Tipps like a List of the gems maximum rarity you can find in each Uber-World or a approximately tested drop chance for class gem keys & other rare drops or a little bit more advanced stuff like a beginner flipping guide and wich Items to flipp when starting (i know most players tend to keep their flipping technique a big secret, but I guess a bit more obvious tipps, such as: buy radiant shards for <4 and sell for 4.5-5 (depending on current market situation and stack size), would also be helpful, espacially for beginners).