Likes (art)

Hydra Plushie


Featured Art Comments:

Phantasie: Love it! Reminds me of Lilo and Stitch (Scrump)

Laserface: That tiny harmless Hydrakken, I can't believe it's really an acid-spitting menace. Just look at its little face!”

Trick or Treat


Featured Art Comments:

DC013 says: Nice Trick or Treat costume. lovely style! Also love the face part of Kentuky.

Spirited Away (to the Desert Frontier)

#Trove Loading Screen Fan Art Contest

Featured Art Comments:

I like it because it's showing a story on other perspective. Like Ghost train station.

Why are you eating that?


Featured Art Comments:

The reason that i like this art is the art style and how he/she drew the smiling eel. Whenever i see this art, i always smile. And based on my artistic side, i find this great and simple. The emphasis, the contrast of colors are great perfectly balanced for an art. Also, it gave me Rick and Morty vibes for some reasons. Overall, it's cool and great that's why i chose this. - Jeybix

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