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Featured Art Comments:
Mobi says: Awesome details and artwork to showcase these big bad leviathans.
Featured Art Comments:
Mobi says: Real good work and way to capture an exciting moment into the Deep!
Happy New 2020 Year, Trovians!
Featured Art Comments:
DC013 says: This really looks like a Celebration in Snowfest :)
they're all look Enjoy and fully with happiness.
Etaew says: I'm a big sucker for art with lots of characters and details. I love seeing the different outfits and expressions, good job! Also, I can see meeeee... hi...
Featured Art Comments:
Mobi says: Love the style and details shown here, absolutely incredible!
Featured Art Comments:
Ylva says: You ve made Papa Sage look like real martial arts guru, smart and experienced. Makes me think he s ready to pick up a katana and slice that cake to (suitable for food) pieces :smile: Great art!
Etaew says: I'm constantly impressed by the quality of the images you create Fairchild, your characters look good and Papa Sage looks greaet. Really captures his old features :)
Featured Art Comments:
DC013 says: What a Creative Idea ! This is so adorable.
I like all part of decos on christmas tree. also allies all cute. xD
Etaew says: I really really love the allies as decorations, good job, this looks great!