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Commented on: Llamatale Entries page
Trove is a vast and magical world, full of mystical mounts and pets, each with their own unique abilities. There are Dragons, Dinosaurs, and even Robotic Creations. Though who needs a Hippogryph or a Manticore when you can own your very own Llama! The lands of Trove contain a vast variety of Llamas, each with special features that can appeal to any adventurer. From observing their behavior and actions, travelers have determined that Llamas make great companions. They are extremely social and friendly, and run impressively fast, reaching 65 kilometer per hour at top speed. Llamas do however require much attention and care, if left alone for too long, they often become lonely, and chew random objects out of anxiousness. They also need to be regularly groomed to maintain a frisk appearance. Overall Llamas are amazing as both pets and mounts and are a great addition to a long expedition. By observing their habitats, adventurers have determined that Llamas are extremely adaptable, and many biomes have their own respective Llama. From an aquatic Angler Llama, to a sweet Candy Llama, the variety of Llamas is very extensive. So what are you waiting for, there are Llamas to discover and tame, and many more varieties to be discovered. So get out there Trovians, and explore the world of Llamas. Just watch out for spit!
Commented on: Tip Contest page