
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Sakura Captain mod

What's it look like in game?

Commented on: Llamastone Entries page

(I made a gif and took 2 screenshots)
Here lies Scary Mary's head with her spine laid out in the graveyard of her fellow llama brethren. Join us! If you dare...

Commented on: Qubesly Loading Screen mod

Oh my gosh that's so adorable! <3

Edit: I am having a problem extracting the .tmod file and I've extracted others just fine. Do you have a zip file I could use instead?

Commented on: St. Qubeslick's Day - Mod Contest page

Silly question... I made the mod and went through the steps to add it to Trovesaurus and when I go to add it to the Qubesly Contest Pack nothing changes on my mod page. I clicked the drop box and selected the contest pack, did I do it right and if so when would I see it in the contest pack list?