
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: [Deleted Mod] mod

Could you add dungeon icons pls :)

Commented on: Commands page


i know, right. i was shocked to believe it too.

Commented on: Trovesaurus Code Claim

It worked fine for me, just make sure you sign in to trovesaurus and glyph. Then just get the code and enter it. That easy. If it says you already claimed it, then just look for the code under the ¨Claimed Codes¨ box. It worked perfectly fine for me.

Commented on:

 Is this if you just level up as a Candy Barb with PR, just leveling up, or Mastery Rank. Also, does trove need to be synced up with troveasaurus?


A reply would be very helpful. Thanks.

Commented on: Commands page

I also just found out yesterday that there is alos




This will obviously make your character wave

Commented on:

Are there any special abilities this mount has?