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Commented on: Chronozilla's Forfeit Giveaway giveaway
I wish EVERYONE the best of luck! Also, I would like to congratulate those who have won, because so far there are 1074 signups, and whoever won must've been INCREDIBLY lucky!
For the person who wins Panatea: Well done! You should start to sign up for more giveaways - you might win them too!
For the person who wins Ludini: Have fun with your dragon! you must be really proud of yourself! well... i am proud too.
For the person who wins Selene: you have just won a really rare mount! be sure to share this achievement with your friends!
For the person who wins Albairn: GG! you are probably luckier than the dude i saw doing a quadruple bottle backflip onto his dog's face the other day... i mean... GG
I also have entered this giveaway, so im hoping that i win too!
Commented on: Translation Promotion November Request page
Commented on: Chronozilla's Forfeit Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Chronozilla's Forfeit Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Chronozilla's Forfeit Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Translation Promotion November Request page
I would think that the Patch Notes page should be with translations, because lots of people read the patch notes, regarding that they might speak different languages. I also think that the Homepage should be with translations, because it's the main page that the Trovians get redirected to after entering the webpage - it only makes sense to make the main page the one with translations, otherwise, if there is something important to say by the Devs, some people might just miss it. Imagine that the fist people that click 'claim' wil get 1000 free chaos chests, and you don't understand what it says exactly, and you were the very first one on the page, so you just miss it. Imagine how you'd feel. So this is why i think that the homepage and Patch notes page should be with translations (I don't acctually think the Devs would acctually do a 1000 free chaos chests giveaway...).