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Neon Ninja ultimate speed farming build + high magic find
Ally : Rapt Berseker - killing an enemy gives movement speed boost also the classic 20% pd
Flask : death defying (classic one, nothing fancy)
Emblems : zealous emblem - because you will be jumping and spamming m2, when the energy goes out you flask and it's full again (in case the damage is not enough, replace this with martial emblem)
Emblems : trailblazing - it gives movement speed boost
Gems : Just Pyrodisk - when it procs it gives movement speed
Weapon : PD CD CH MS
Face : MH CD PD MS
Ring : PD MF
Style of play : In between dungeons always jump and spam M2 while holding S. If everything is proccing at the same time you get 259 ms but S + M2 spam gives you ~ 300.