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Commented on: Waterfall Gorge Dungeon (3 Star) creation
Commented on: Waterfall Gorge Dungeon (3 Star) creation
- The mazes have been simplified.
- I added jump pads in many places
- I replaced Balefire with acid in yellow_area_04 and made everything a little simpler and with less acid
- Teleporter Outside bug has been fixed
- I removed most of the water in the waterfall_gorge_main, except for a few smaller waterfalls, and added a few plants
- Added more mob spawners to both bosses and normal areas
- I rounded off the air placket holders a bit and made them more inconspicuous
To the screenshot with all parts of the dungeon. I just added this for overview. Most of the time I use MagicaVoxel. But you're right, smaller parts are usually easier to update.
I hope the changes are okay so far. :)
Commented on: Waterfall Gorge Dungeon (3 Star) creation