Waterfall Gorge
[Dungeon (3 Star)] [Jurassic Jungle]

Created 2 years ago
Updated 1 year ago
The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Waterfall Gorge status has been set to Added
Ylva 1 year ago
Waterfall Gorge status has been set to Rewarded
ActualPostCard 1 year ago
Waterfall Gorge status has been set to Accepted
ActualPostCard 1 year ago
Waterfall Gorge status has been set to Approved
Ylva 1 year ago
Waterfall Gorge status has been set to Needs Review
Triky313 1 year ago
Waterfall Gorge status has been set to Active
Ylva 2 years ago
Waterfall Gorge status has been set to Needs Review
Triky313 2 years ago

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- The mazes have been simplified.
- I added jump pads in many places
- I replaced Balefire with acid in yellow_area_04 and made everything a little simpler and with less acid
- Teleporter Outside bug has been fixed
- I removed most of the water in the waterfall_gorge_main, except for a few smaller waterfalls, and added a few plants
- Added more mob spawners to both bosses and normal areas
- I rounded off the air placket holders a bit and made them more inconspicuous
To the screenshot with all parts of the dungeon. I just added this for overview. Most of the time I use MagicaVoxel. But you're right, smaller parts are usually easier to update.
I hope the changes are okay so far. :)
Whoa, most impressive work :O Dungeon has a very strong design and good aesthetics, well done!
Spawn locations offer a great amount of variations too :)
As good as the overall design is, there are a few moments that would need to be adjusted before i could Approve it.
First and foremost - falling liquids! With Trove being available on Xbox and Switch we really have to be careful about the amount of liquid sources that will be continuously generated. I understand the whole concept behind this one is the Waterfall, but may be it could be less of a Niagara Falls and closer to something of this kind? (With fewer falling liquid areas than image shows)
Im absolutely sure it is possible to achieve same (or even better!) visual appeal while using far less falling liquids.
Second - with the current layout it will take players a long amount of time to navigate through the dungeon.
Nowadays players are spoiled by easy layouts and shortcuts everywhere, and they just skip dungeons that take too long to complete as it is much faster to just move to a next, easier dungeon.
While i can see how they could take shortcuts in this dungeon, it is still going to take them a long time to find all the quests (especially on consoles where players dont have access to mods). Some directional jump-pads in long corridors or open areas could really help to boost the movement speed and point to areas of interest.
Just to be clear here - there is no need to rearrange the whole dungeon layout, but it would be really good to have some boosters here and there.
Third - there are some minor technical issues, these are very easy to fix though:
- There are very few mob spawns throughout the dungeon. Please add some possible spawns in every room and especially in the Quest Objective rooms - these should have at least a couple of possible spawns in every variation.
- The portal by the Big boss (purple, GM Quest Teleporter) spawns when the boss dies and gets connected to the Blue portal (GM Quest Teleporter Outside). Currently the portal on top of the dungeon is also purple, while it should be blue to work properly.
- The balefire liquid might not be the best choice, it was never made available to players and existing dungeons (to my knowledge) use Acid (/wadd placeable/block/gameplay/acid) instead. However, with Acid instead of Balefire the yellow_area_04 might be a bit too deadly.
And lastly - just a couple of thoughts that might help:
- You could make your Fake Air Roof rounded or somewhat organic shaped (placeholder blocks on top of the dungeon) - that way when a dungeon spawns in the wild it will cut out an organic area and would blend in more with the terrain, rather than a perfect square.
- The two labyrinths on the bottom layer of the dungeon are very cramped, it would be great to make these corridors wider and simplify the whole 'maze' part of it.
- Also, on your Qubicle screenshot you have the waterfall_gorge_main part in 3 parts. You dont have to do it this way, but i generally tend to stick to smaller parts that get combined together later on - it is much easier to make small or big changes this way.
Im going to change the status of this creation to Active for now, please be sure to change it back to Needs Review once you upload any changes.
Hoping to see this dungeon on Review again soon!