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Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Crescent Rose Melee creation


Ok, i'll take up your idea by making a RWBY costume!

Commented on: ♀ Magicalgirl mod

it seems like there is no difference between this and the super magical costume

Commented on: ♀ Magicalgirl mod

iM so confused isnt this just the super magical costume?


Commented on: Ehko - Sonic Assault Dragon mod

I freakin love this dragon it  goes great with dub o mancer


Commented on: Follower of the Shadows mod

Inspired by Duskrider Dragoon Skin for LL

Commented on: Super Magical Chloromancer mod

what aura is that?


Commented on: Shadairn, Voice of Nightfall (first mod and brazillian mod) mod

for all those who want to get this mod but dont have alberin here is a link with a slightly modified version for azulian dragon.


Commented on: Shadairn, Voice of Nightfall (first mod and brazillian mod) mod

this looks really awesome so im gonna modify the files so i can use it with my azulian dragon!

Commented on: [Griffon] Auricx, the Golden Glider mod

This is sooooooooooooo cool!

Commented on: [Deleted Mod] mod


Wow this is amazing!

Commented on: Illuri to Ganda (updated) mod

Sry its illuri to ganda i messed up the title