
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: T.rex Helmet creation

T.rex status has been set to Draft

Commented on: T.rex Helmet creation

T.rex status has been set to Active

Commented on: T.rex Helmet creation

T.rex status has been set to Needs Review

Commented on: Atomic Monster Suit mod

I just remodeled the staff as well as implementing materials onto the costume's components, I would love any feedback for these changes and whether or not they are improvements.

Commented on: Turtle Tank Cannon collection

Does anybody know if there's a blueprint for the cannonball used by the turtle tank?

Commented on: Generic Atomic Monster Mask Helmet creation

I've worked on and submitted a full costume for the helmet, and submitted that for review a few months ago. Should this be taken down or can I submit it through both avenues.

Commented on: Slain Eldritch Drake Helmet creation

Slain Eldritch Drake status has been set to Needs Review

Commented on: Slain Eldritch Drake Helmet creation

I went ahead and downloaded some references and now the glow is working. Turns out I had to set transparency for glowing glass as well which I didn't because the wiki guide stated glass blocks only and I was an idiot who interpreted that as non-glowing glass only. I also set some parts as iridescent to keep some consistency with other chaos styles. I think I understand material maps a lot better with your guidance and wish I had done some on my other models previously.

Commented on: Slain Eldritch Drake Helmet creation


I just assumed that the attachment point would affect the floating voxel rule. The inside isn't really visible or significant, but I just don't like looking at the unfinished look, so I decided to make it look like the innards of the creature. Thank you for clearing up the multiple file issue, there was also another problem with the materials not lining up or something but since it isn't mentioned I'll assume it was fixed. I'll work on the materials as well as probably simplifying the model a bit more. I would appreciate any feedback or suggestion on my(preferably) final version before I begin working on it.

Commented on: Slain Eldritch Drake Helmet creation

Slain Eldritch Drake status has been set to Needs Review

Commented on: Slain Eldritch Drake Helmet creation

I've simplified the model a little bit by rounding out some corners and coloring some of the stray pixels as well as removing unnecessary shades. But I am still struggling with the material maps. I for some reason am unable to pull up your links. I redid all the maps. When my latest versions are loaded into the game, I'm pretty sure the transparency does work to some degree, but not the glowing glass effect appears not to be working, but I can't be sure as when loaded in game the glowing glass parts do seem to at least be more apparent than their surrounding voxels. I'm attempting to achieve a same level of glow as on the costumes, maybe they did some kind of trick such as placing glowing solids beneath the glass parts but I'm not sure. When checking troxel it tells me of its need to correct my incorrect maps, but when I download the files from troxel and run them back through the program the same error occurs. I will be setting the item to review in hopes of some feedback on the model itself as well as the material maps. Hopefully after then will be my final version of the model.

Commented on: Slain Eldritch Drake Helmet creation

Slain Eldritch Drake status has been set to Needs Review

Commented on: Slain Eldritch Drake Helmet creation

This is my first-time using material maps, and when the model is loaded in game the glass effect appears kind of weird. I would appreciate some guidance and/or explanation to how I should do material maps.

Commented on: Atomic Monster Suit mod


I'd admit the staff isn't the best, I might work on another model. I chose the heisei version of mechagodzilla because it has a more streamlined simpler design as well as keeping with the designs of the other models. Appreciate the feedback though!