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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Dilophosaurus (Spitter) Helmet creation
Commented on: Dilophosaurus (Spitter) Helmet creation
Commented on: Dilophosaurus (Spitter) Helmet creation
Commented on: Dilophosaurus (Spitter) Helmet creation
Commented on: Dilophosaurus (Spitter) Helmet creation
Thought about including the frill but any frill that looked correct would be way to large and a smaller one would look strange, and also lacking the frill makes it a less film specific dilophosaurus model. Also thought about including a venom spit effect but excluded it to relieve all film specific aspects of the model and to maintain consistency with my other models. I retextured the model a lot since it looked too much like a gradient many times making it look strangely metallic, I am quite satisfied with the final product for now, but further observations by myself or the moderators could definitely change my mind. I plan to make a few more Jurassic park inspired styles for the 30th anniversary of the film in June, maybe a brachiosaur style staff or some experiments with amber effects for styles that aren't just helmets.
Commented on: Dilophosaurus (Spitter) Helmet creation
Commented on: T.rex Helmet creation
Commented on: T.rex Helmet creation
Excuse the constant changes, I just keep finishing and updating the model and being satisfied, and then realizing a problem a few hours later. I'm really trying yo make the model look correct and clean, reflect the source, and also adhere to the rules of Trove.
Commented on: T.rex Helmet creation
Commented on: T.rex Helmet creation