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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Auto Easy Happy UI mod
hell auto easy happy is still good for me atm and its way better than symbol especially sinbce u can customize it in game to whatever u want
Commented on: Auto Easy Happy UI mod
ddude just get luis box history mod fastest and has karma bar all his mods are better than the symbols rn bc the symbol hasnt been updating atm
Commented on: Shortcuts for Messages mod
Commented on: Auto Accept Invite - LLF mod
liked this! btw i figured it out itd help alot of others also if you add that youu need to put the cfg file in the modcfg folder and keep the png file where it is automatically at itd make it alot easier for sum ppl if you maybe put tht in the description and add instructions on how to actually do it picture wise bc i struggled with finding my mod cfg folder it wasnt with my download where i thought it would be but it was in roaming lol anyways thought this might help with sum of the comments ur getting
Commented on: Auto Accept Invite - LLF mod
liked this! i had the same issue you gotta put the mods cfg file into yout modcfg folder and kepp the png part of the mod where it originally is downloaded
Commented on: Auto Accept Invite - LLF mod
liked this! well see if reinstalled it almost 30 different times and even put it directly into the games cfg itself and it still says tht it even does the gem auto un and auto socket but everything else just doesnt let it even pop up like invites will show for split second not be saccepted anfd then go away and i have to then disble the mod to be able to accept invites and other features
Commented on: Auto Accept Invite - LLF mod