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Mods and Mod Packs that this user has created.
Recent Mods
Converts font to GG Sans (Discord's font) Idea by SW_StarWarrior27, created by 1337hackerdu77. Please Comment on this mod if there is a bug you notice.
Classic Altaria Hoodie - FaeCostumes (Fae Trickster)

Adds the Classic Altaria Hoodie from AltariaBuildCrew over the Punkin' Prankster for Fae Trickster. I made this for myself but if others want to enjoy, they can :) Please Comment on this mod if there is a bug you notice.
AltariaBuildCrew: https://www.twitch.tv/altariabuildcrew
3rd image created by _FutureHero_
AltariaBuildCrew: https://www.twitch.tv/altariabuildcrew
3rd image created by _FutureHero_
Pikaball BounderMounts

Replaces Volatile Bounder mount with a Pikachu themed Pokeball. Made for xKona. Please Comment on this mod if there is a bug you notice.
This mod has a bug that prevents a preview image from being shown in the mods list. If you really want a preview image for the mod, save the cover image of this mod and put it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Glyph\Games\Trove\Live\ui\override on your Computer. You might have the make the override folder if it isn't there. You can't download the image from this page, you have to download the image from the mod browser found here https://trovesaurus.com/search/Empyrium+Loading+Screens/mods After you've downloaded the image & put it in the file location, rename it to "EmpyPreview.jpg" for it to function.
Adds 15 different Loading Screens from the club "Empyrium" Please Comment on this mod if there is a bug you notice.
Adds 15 different Loading Screens from the club "Empyrium" Please Comment on this mod if there is a bug you notice.
Kirby BounderMounts

Replaces Volatile Bounder mount with Kirby. I made this for myself but if others want to enjoy, they can :) Please Comment on this mod if there is a bug you notice. WARNING: This mod changes the VFX of the Volatile Bounder to the Ultimate Ability VFX of the Jurassic Sheriff Solarion Costume. This means that the VFX of the dragon bomb ability for Dracolyte Costumes Starter, Level 10, Level 20, Level 30 & the bomb jump upgrade in Bomber Royale will also be this VFX since Volatile Bounder shares VFX with these costumes & upgrades. Another thing to note is this VFX change also removes the sound of the Volatile Bounder.
Adds a Tri Color Pembroke Welsh Corgi (Tri Color Pemblock) to the game. I made this for myself but if others want to enjoy, they can :) Please Comment on this mod if there is a bug you notice.
Star Rod over The Will of StarsCosmetics

Replaces The Will of Stars sword style with the Star Rod from the Kirby Franchise. I made this for myself but if others want to enjoy, they can :) Please Comment on this mod if there is a bug you notice.
This mod has a bug that prevents a preview image from being shown in the mods list. If you really want a preview image for the mod, save the cover image of this mod and put it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Glyph\Games\Trove\Live\ui\override on your Computer. You might have the make the override folder if it isn't there. You can't download the image from this page, you have to download the image from the mod browser found here https://trovesaurus.com/search/Kirby%2C+Sylveon+%26+Eevee+Loading+Screens/mods After you've downloaded the image & put it in the file location, rename it to "KirbyPreview.jpg" for it to function.
Adds 59 different loading screens featuring Kirby & Eevee. I made this for myself but if others want to enjoy, they can :) Please Comment on this mod if there is a bug you notice.
Art from:
Official Kirby Games
Official Kirby Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/Kirby_JP
Pokémon TV Show
torkirby: https://mobile.twitter.com/torkirby
mcgmark: https://www.deviantart.com/mcgmark/art/Eevee-and-friends-886800605
_aquilart: https://www.instagram.com/_aquilart/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D
Oreskis: https://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=1223563
Adds 59 different loading screens featuring Kirby & Eevee. I made this for myself but if others want to enjoy, they can :) Please Comment on this mod if there is a bug you notice.
Art from:
Official Kirby Games
Official Kirby Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/Kirby_JP
Pokémon TV Show
torkirby: https://mobile.twitter.com/torkirby
mcgmark: https://www.deviantart.com/mcgmark/art/Eevee-and-friends-886800605
_aquilart: https://www.instagram.com/_aquilart/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D
Oreskis: https://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=1223563
Polished Punkin' PranksterCostumes (Fae Trickster)

Removes the Green from the Punkin' Prankster costume for the Fae Trickster. I made this for myself but if others want to enjoy, they can :) Please Comment on this mod if there is a bug you notice. Face Styles don't work with this mod.