TMOD MetadataShow
Author: SW_StarWarrior27
Tags: Ball,Cosmetics,Mount,Vfx
Notes: Replaces Volatile Bounder mount with Kirby. I made this for myself but if others want to enjoy, they can :) WARNING: This mod has some changes that some may not like. Read the Mod Description on Trovesaurus for more details
Mod FilesShow
Created: April 14, 2023
Updated: April 20, 2023
Type: TMOD
Originality: Collaborative Work
Trovesaurus Views: 1,918
Downloads: 94
This mod is a collaboration between several Trovians.
The Kirby Franchise & VFX Help by PyrodiscNot visible on Trove Tools
Trove Tools is an older app and doesn't handle the amount of mods we list very well, so we have a few restrictions for mods to show up.
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