
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on:

Are you certain you didn't acquire these during the event and only just noticed them? They only dropped during the event which is long since over, but they don't have a cleanup to be removed from your inventory automatically.

Commented on:

Can you provide some more specific information about what you're doing and how, as well as what the end result is that you're getting? There's not much to work with here.

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Duplicate of

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I'm going to need more information for this report. What platform is this issue happening on? When did this last happen? How often does it occur? With specific steps, what exactly are you doing, and what happens when you do it?

We implemented a fix a while ago to prevent failed coin challenge matches from redirecting to the Bomber Royale requeue flow, so as far as I know this issue should no longer occur.

Commented on:

There's nothing here that looks like a bug report at all. If you can restate the issue to more clearly explain the problem, I'll take another look.

Commented on:

I can't reproduce this with the reported method, if this is still happening. If you've got any more information on how to reproduce it, please update this issue.

Commented on:

Duplicate of unless there is more info on if this is still occurring.

Commented on:

I'm trying to understand the issue here. The quest for a bomber royale coin doesn't say that it would grant experience, so I'm not sure why you would expect it to. Is it just that this quest doesn't grant xp but counts against the 20 for the day?

Commented on:

Essentially a duplicate of, we will get the mementos and trophies to all reference the correct NPC names eventually.

Commented on:

Meant to mark this as acknowledged a while ago, there is a task in to get all of these named correctly.

Commented on:

I cannot reproduce this issue. Is there any more information you can provide on how you're reproducing it, or a video demonstrating this occurring?

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Duplicate of

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This is an unavoidable byproduct of changing some things internally with how the store shows packs.

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It looks like this issue is expected fixed with the next patch already, but thanks for the report.

Commented on:

Do you know which enemies specifically you saw drop this? If you can name the trophies at the start of the delve that would help the most, but even just the general type of monster would help.