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Commented on: https://trovesaurus.com/issues/view/308
Also forgot to mention that none of the boomerangs give a damage buff when caught, only movement speed and attack speed. I guess that damage buff is supposed to compensate for the loss in damage coefficient. The update made me lose 40k physical damage. Crit damage down to 2442.0% from 2542.0%. Plus, critical hit down to 96% from 106.0%. This equates to about a 2 million damage coefficient deficit :(.
Commented on: https://trovesaurus.com/issues/view/257
Also, I just realized that I had the "Better damage number" mod, so it only registers the 3rd attack as 1 hit. When I disable it, it shows all 3. Nonetheless, I'm glad I now know that they're just 3 separate attacks, not 1 burst amount.
Commented on: https://trovesaurus.com/issues/view/257