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Commented on: Neverending Necrowmancer giveaway
Commented on: Chocolate (Candorian) Dragon by SkyTheVirus art
Commented on: Candy Llama Contest page
Once upon a time, LLary the llama was a student of Llarrot the majesty llama. Llarrot decided
to give vacations to Llary he traveled to all the biomes Mediaval Highlands, Neon City,
Permafrost and the others biomes, but one in specific called the attention of Llarry the
Candoria biome candy cane, chocolate and milk rivers everywhere!. When he was walking through
the sweet grass he looked a huge shadow behind him he was scary he turned back to see it was a
golem full of chocolate, ice cream and more sweet things! the golem said: Hello I'am "Sugar"
the sweet golem Llary at that moment was frightened he said: Hello I'am Llarry Sugar said: Are
you ok? you are sweating follow me to the lollipop village.
The village was a valley with a chocolate volcano, Sugar invited to Llary to his house, Later
in the night the villagers was screaming Llary and Sugar woke up and leaved his house a salty
tornado covered the lollipop village and in the top it was a person Sugar said: Oh no! its
"Salty" Llary said: Who is Salty? "Salty" is the brother of Sugar who wants to convert all the
sweetness in this city in sadness and desperation.
When the salty storm finished Sugar telled the history of his brother Salty, in the afternoon
Llary was so hungry! he remenbered the volcano and he decided to go, when he was drinking
chocolate he felt into the chocolate he screamed Sugar immediately run for the help of Llary
when he was there it was late! Llary was full of chocolate, cookies, ice cream and more!.
The master of the city called Llary he was so surprised for the incident and he said: THE
LEGEND IS TRUE! He called all the villagers and said: My friend a hope appear Sweet Sally is
here! Sorry said Llary immediately Sugar shuted up Llary when they arrived to his home Sugar
said: You and me know something it was an accident, but fo that accident you became a hero
Llary said: but I don't want this! Sugar said: You have sweet powers don't fail Llary said:
fail? Ehh no no Yes said and Good luck
1 week passed he was training a lot a salty storm start again I'm ready said Sally Salty
looked at him and he said Ah! you take this! He sent a salty storm to Sally, Sally close his
eyes and the sweet grass came out a huge cookie shield Sally said: Is now my turn TAKE THIS!
Sugar Crash! a ice cream full of chocolate, milk, lollipop and all the sweet candies eat Salty
and until that day the candoria villagers never have seen a salty storm.
Commented on: Trove Trailer Contest Results page
Commented on: Trove Trailer Contest page
Commented on: Trove Trailer Contest page