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Featured Art Comments:
I love monsters so this to me looks great. I really like the details you've added including an impressive Trovian and statue scale. I like the Shadow Tower on his back, as well as the laser thing coming out of the shell at the front. - TFM
Featured Art Comments:
I'm really glad you finished this and submitted it for the second challenge. I really like this clean style with soft colours without shading. I like what you've done with the tail and the jaw. - TFM
Uzumini and the Bubble Blaster
Featured Art Comments:
The perspective on this scene is great, it reminds me of pokemon or some anime. Likes the added details to the scene and uzumini looks so proud (and fat, we love faaat)! - TFM and Etaew
Boomer and Chloro's Daily Donation
Featured Art Comments:
Mobi says: Way to capture the essence of Bunfest in this art, well done!
Featured Art Comments:
I love what you have created here, the detail and shading are fantastic. He's a fat, cute, shiny turtle friend with a puffy face. He looks ready for a headbutt that I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of. - TFM