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Featured Art Comments:
I love this piece! You made the robe so round and cute, nice work! ^^
Featured Art Comments:
This art captures the joy of birthday celebration so well! Trovesaurus family, friends and Spacesage behind the camera haha. Loving the fresh color pallet too :)
- Ylva
This is so lovely and almost all the sage family is together, love the idea of squishy is being a balloon, they are so fat and cute and also that is a lot of yummy snacks on the table!
Featured Art Comments:
I love the smol sage biting her hair and the fat sage is cutey too, panda stache on the background is also sweet, would like to pat him :p
Featured Art Comments:
A: This is so epic! Perspective makes me feel like I'm standing on that hub square myself. Extraordinary attention to details, seeing all those workbenches and even portals makes me happy :)
B: Lovely Style! Goddess statue looks so good
- The Trovesaurus Team
Featured Art Comments:
Whoa, I love the way this looks, like a small dracolyte in the real world with their bunny xD
- Future
Featured Art Comments:
It’s soo round and soft looking! Indeed a very chubby bunny!
- Future