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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: https://trovesaurus.com/tip=56
Commented on: Tip Contest page
Commented on: Tip Contest page
Commented on: https://www.trovesaurus.com/build=19/full-tank
Commented on: Neverending Powerhouse Candy Barbarian Build build
Commented on: Class Builds page
Commented on: Class Builds page
Commented on: Class Builds Feedback page
I think it should be a more compact platform and easy to use, like the proper ingame character page, it should also have a "total bonus stats" section to show what you're getting from this build, also, i think a "tag system" would be a great way to quickly explain the purpose of the build, tags like "Adventure Worlds grind", "Ultra towers", "Endgame Only", "Tank", "DPS", etc.
(Love your work Etaew and Digiwolf <3)
Commented on: August Site Update page
A build page that works like the character's menu in trove, showing the gear/allies/flasks/emblems/gems with its description and hot to get, it would me much more practical and intuitive