
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Tainted star waypoint mod

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Commented on: Tainted star waypoint mod

Would it be possible to make the waypoint larger or is it bound to the object size?

Commented on: Tainted star waypoint mod

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That's a matter of opinion I'd say :P

Commented on: Tainted star waypoint mod

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IKR but achievements 😅😅

Commented on: Tainted star waypoint mod

Could you upload it to Steam as well?

Commented on: Trove turns 6 years old, win a Magic Trove Carpet page

I started playing slightly after the Geode update and came back a few weeks ago. I don't have lots of memories from back then but right now I'm enjoying the game a lot! Only major downside are the lags every now and then.