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Featured Art Comments:
I cho-cho-cho choose this this elegant hell bug! - Phantasie
The top hat and bowtie say it all, what a classy heckbug in love. - Mobi
Featured Art Comments:
Hecking cute moment here, well done! Love is in the air. - Mobi
Featured Art Comments:
The textures and lighting in this piece are incredible. – Meowser
What remarkable use of color and texture! This hungry, slavering, vicious creature sure is a good, handsome boy. – Entity
so disturbing, so good- Habidakus
I'm a horror movie fan, and that one looks like the image before a title card, so it got me. - Bliza
Love all the details, so precious and gruesome in a good way. - Mobi
Featured Art Comments:
Mobi says: Awesome details and artwork to showcase these big bad leviathans.
Featured Art Comments:
Mobi says: Real good work and way to capture an exciting moment into the Deep!
The Defender of Cupcakes (Animation)
Featured Art Comments:
Atronos says: Cute and humorous, really nice animation