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Commented on: Better ore mod
Commented on: Troves Guide to Gear (Obtaining, Stats and Upgrading) page
Hmm, this was the info I was looking for but it's clearly wrong as it doesn't mention crit chance or damage anywhere.
Commented on: Clock mod
Got real confused today till I realised later the clock is 1 hour off compared to my computer's one (which is for my timezone) but it seems like this should be adjustable with this offset function thing, though it's a bit of a shame it's not a simple chatline command and requires a bit of finagling.
Commented on: TheSymbols Chat Mod mod
Also I changed my c_club1_m colour which was nice, but when typing a message the little bit on the left to show to which channel you're typing to is still the old colour, which is confusing (and I wanted to change it so it stopped looking the same as world) ... I then changed c_club1_a presuming that's what that was, but I guess that's just for names in that channel, so any way to change the bit in to the left of where you type?
Also I like that you can see whispers in tab, in case chat is busy ... but I also want them to still appear in my "all" tab, any way to do that? I have hide tabbed channels set off.
The one last thing (that might already be in with the spam settings) is getting rid of the "SoAndSo Looted a rare ___ from ___" messages unless it's to the club channel, I don't really care what strangers got.
In that prefab creation tool thing the bits to do with the clock mod don't work, I can't correct the time (it's off by an hour) nor is it changing to a 12hour clock... but if I try to alter it at all then the entire thing stops working (I guess all those crazy symbols and weird formatting maybe gets undone if you open and save it in notepad or whatever).
Also something, not sure if it's this mod, has gotten rid of the thing that'd flash up on the right that'd say "new adventure added" I kinda miss that, was handed when repeatedly doing outposts to make sure you got it...
Commented on: Quick Class UI mod
Would there be a way so you could set the default sorting order using this ... like I always want my menu sorted by the PR level, but having to click it every time you open the window (esp if you're doing a bunch of swapping around of stuff is a bit annoying)...
Commented on: TheSymbols Chat Mod mod
Shame it can't seem to just make chat text bigger, other than that it's real nice.