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Foxspirit Smoky #InkTrover2019
Featured Art Comments:
Anubis says: It was not an easy choice but I love the Smoky Fox Phantom and this is a really beautiful art of him! <3 Thank you for your the art Ainogommon!
Featured Art Comments:
Thanks for your entry in the Gardening Art Contest, we'd like to note that the quality of this entry is pretty low and that the contest runs for an entire month, we encourage you to spend time to create an entry that you are proud of and that you consider your best effort for the time provided. There are still several weeks left but as it stands this won't be considered for a contest reward. If you would like to improve and update your entry please let me know, I look forward to your growth as an artist.
Featured Art Comments:
A plush gifted to SkyTheVirus from Trovesaurus and created by JouJouPlushies.
Featured Art Comments:
This is a commisioned creation on behalf of Trovesaurus.