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Commented on: Lore Week page
I would like to learn the nature of *us* adventurers and how we came to be! Our role is pretty simple fight against the shadows and protect Trove , but were we called from another planet in the time of need or did the World of trove spawn us as a fighting system against the shadows ?
Where do our powers come from?(were the powers given to us or were we born this way?).
Are There more of us (races) but without powers? (if so where are they?).
How come we don't see Evil adventurers?(Every one fights the shadows but how come nobody got influenced by the shadows and ended joining them and betraying us?).
Do our mounts and allies choose us and then end up showing themselves to us or we just happen to find them in our adventures?
lastly battle arena purpose? Is this a practice area for us adventurers to hone our skills in practice combat or is it just so we can have some fun competing against each other and proving ourselves?
Thanks in advance!