Drake Featherwing

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Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Streamer Dream Blowout (September) giveaway

Wellp. I just lowered everyone's chances by a marginal amount. GL all! :)

(5.96% chance to win)

Commented on: Play Trove for a Chance to Unlock Yabaki page

Expect lots of smurf accounts and bots to win. 5 a day is way too few given how inundated Trion will be sorting through all the entries, making sure they're legit...

Commented on: Enhanced UI mod

What parts? Because it's working on mine...

Commented on: Enhanced UI mod

The only qualm I have with this mod is the fact that you put something in that potentially could violate Trove TOU. I'm thankful that you put that warning Tooltip in, but if someone gets banned because of it, they're probably gonna be pinning this on you.