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Featured Art Comments:
Yeah! Keep on rocking! :)
- Trove Team
Good job on this entry, I love the colours used, the purples and the gold bits on the cape. I also really like the sound VFX around the hand, and the great Trovian expression :)
- Trovesaurus

Featured Art Comments:
Cute use of colors to perfectly illustrate this year's Splendid Summer atmosphere :)
- Amaliena
Featured Art Comments:
Thanks for your entry in the Candoria contest, however unfortunately it didn't make the cut when determining the appropriate entries for a reward. Using 3d models is always odd for contests, they either have to use the exact game assets as a render or have something else exceptional about the.
This model does appear to be using another game to render the image, and we encourage you to create either a render using Trove models or attempt drawing in future contests.
Featured Art Comments:
Thank you for your entry into the Candoria Art Contest!
Unfortunately, we have decided that this particular entry does not meet our requirements for a reward at this time. The model itself is alone and doesn't feature enough of the biome as a whole and we do like to discourage 3d models as they are generally very hard to judge unless completely unique or uses Trove models. As a personal note, we do prefer the traditional attempts you had made before and would like to encourage you to work on them for future submissions.