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Commented on: Candy Llama Contest page
the llama was happy when his father called it -llama come to here- said his father when he was arriving his father said - i will eat you hahahaha- the llama run away throught the window and it fell down to the floor, was in that moment that it knew he will die by its father. THE END
Commented on: Dino Tamer Story Contest page
Commented on: Dino Tamer Story Contest page
one day a trovian adventurer wants to eat but he hadn't got any food so he went to buy food to the trovian market, when he went to the market he saw thre isn't any food and he went to the trovian adventure world for looking for some food. While he was looking for dungeons that give he some food he get a chicken mule.
while he was backing to home he realize that he was lost in a rare biome with all ot of prehistoric animals that he never see before he called this new biome jurasic jungle. while he was exploring it he was attacked by a group of three dinosaurs and he don't know why. While he run away he drop his chicken mule and the dinosaurs start to eat it, when they finish they start to follow the adventurer, it was in that moment when he knows he can tame dinosaurs with some pieces of meat
Commented on: Dino Tamer Story Contest page
The dino tamer was taming and tame a dinomon named candy barbarian and then the candy barbarian killed the dino tamer and eat his dinos