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Heya, I'm GlowDonk. Welcome to my page, once you see some of my lores in my artwork or character (Sire GlowDonkia), you know how decent I am in storytelling. I was inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's stories (and a bit of Trove Lore). Ever since I stepped foot in Trove, I was amazed on how good (and grindy) it was. Once I get the Vanguardian, he will become my most prized Melee Class.
My mains (AKA, the Gods of GlowDonkia)
Tomb Raiser (which is named Pjar, who is the god of Chaos in GlowDonkia)
Vanguardian (Sire GlowDonkia himself, who is the god of Peace in GlowDonkia and also the creator of the 2 Realms of GlowDonkia)
Secondary Mains (Allies of Sire GlowDonkia):
Neon Ninja (Traitor of the Amperium to serve under GlowDonkia's command, known as X9-13LE)
Chloromancer (The Crystomancer who taught others his ways of Crystomancy, He is GlowDonkia's most trusted ally, he is known as Checkel Broncolo)
Ice Sage (The GlowDonkian Necromancer who was sent to GlowDonkia by the Phantom Ruby to protect the Resistors and Elysians from certain doom, his name is Jalton Argos)
Dino Tamer (The Quake Ranger himself, he was sent with Jal (who was the Ranger's ally) to also protect the Resistors and Elysians, no one knows his name yet...)