
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: PTS Update - July 3, 2023 page

the cosmic primordial dragon requiring 5k crystaline cores is way too much.

Commented on:

gee, I would love to do this event. except I cant'. I can barely even log in and if I try to switch worlds I'm stuck in an endless loading screen. great job devs

Commented on:

will the bird mounts rotate again or are they gone forever?

Commented on: Splashanda collection

I wish they did a squishy mizaia instead of this tbh

Commented on: Yabasquee collection

liked this!



Commented on: Wanda collection

why wasn't this mount released and yet there's a knockoff of it that is?

Commented on: Yabasquee collection

how much credits is this gonna cost?

Commented on: Creations Challenge - Sunfest Cake Dungeons page

quick question about the event, will golden ticket boxes be coming back? we haven't had those in a long time.

Commented on: Plushsly collection

cuteee how do I get this?

Commented on: Trove – Reeling in the Stars is now live on PC! page

bro when is this coming to consoles? do they even care anymore?

Commented on: Sagely Saurers collection

how do you get these?

Commented on: World Vegan Day page

thats cool, but when is the boomeranger rework coming to consoles?

Commented on: Loona Lancer mod

omg yes! XD