
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Bunny dragon mod

that is so cute and amazing!

Commented on: Sol, the Everlasting Light mod

that is so amazing!

Commented on: Crystallus, the Geodian Guardian mod

that is so badass!

Commented on: Mixter, the Dubstep Maestro 2.0 mod

that is so cool!

Commented on: Razor the Cyber Dragon mod

that is amazing!

Commented on: [Deleted Mod] mod

that is awesome!

Commented on: Mizaia, Breath of the Evergreen collection

will there be a way for all players to get this?

Commented on: Trove - Club Autopay - February 12, 2019 page

is this for the console or pc?

Commented on: Lore Week event

what's the event? where's the info?

Commented on: Commander Vitus Plush art

that is so cool! i wish i had a plushie of my character. great work!

Commented on: Joruri, the Composer collection


that would be an interesting way to get it. but.....

Commented on: Joruri, the Composer collection

why do i have a feeling this mount is gonna be hard to get?