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Daughter of the Daughter of the Moonsly likes to party. Let us hope there won't be any more offspring because these abbreviations are getting a bit odd.
Undertow Attire: Lunar LancerCostumes (Lunar Lancer)

Presenting the Last piece of the Undertow Attire: The Lunar Lancer outfit. This lancer was changed into a lizard to do the bidding of Undertow and withstand the cold harsh atmosphere of Geode. Sadly it also came with an allergy to the moon, so behold the Lunar Allergic Lancer!
Undertow Attire: GunslingerCostumes (Gunslinger)

Presenting the Fifteenth piece of the Undertow Attire: The Gunslinger outfit. After losing all its guns in some weird contest, the gunslinger found itself at a crossroads. Either shout "pew" "pew" while holding its hands as guns or find guns elsewhere. Sadly after looking in the wrong places, siding with the shadows and losing its soul... Only then the reality of a rigged contest came to light... or to shadow.. depending on the way one looks at those.
Undertow Attire: ChloromancerCostumes (Chloromancer)

Presenting the Fourteenth piece of the Undertow Attire: The Chloromancer outfit. One would think the dark seas couldn't possibly harbor dangerous plants. Think again! You wouldn't want to plant these dark vile plants in a plantification nearby. Just throw them at your frenemies and be done with it.
Undertow Attire: Pirate CaptainCostumes (Pirate Captain)
Accepted 3 years ago
Presenting the Thirteenth piece of the Undertow Attire: The Pirate Captain outfit. Normally the pirate captain roams the Seas but this captain literally is capable of roaming IN the sea. The dark aquatic tendencies are accompanied by a chubby but cute manta ray baby called Chubbster.
Undertow Attire: VanguardianCostumes (Vanguardian)

Presenting the Twelfth piece of the Undertow Attire: The Vanguardian Undertow outfit. In its search to be the ultimate do-gooder, the vanguardian struck a sneaky deal with undertow. But Undertow saw through the deception and punished the vanguardian. Its left arm would get double the power but its right arm would shrivel to nothing.
Undertow Attire: Dino TamerCostumes (Dino Tamer)

Presenting the Eleventh piece of the Undertow Attire: The Dino Tamer Undertow outfit. This tamer tamed the mightest, deadliest creatures of the dark sea, with the help of Mr. U. Tow of course. Well..... besides that cute seahorsie, which ain't that terrifying at all.
The adapted quetzalcoatlus is inspired by [MisterY]'s manta ray idea!
The adapted quetzalcoatlus is inspired by [MisterY]'s manta ray idea!
Undertow Attire: Shadow HunterCostumes (Shadow Hunter)

Presenting the Tenth piece of the Undertow Attire: The Shadow Hunter Undertow outfit. For this shadow hunter actually wants to be called Sun Hunter, but nobody joins in on its wishes and still laugh behind it's back for hunting its own shadow. It has an awesome bomb though, something the sunseeker one seems to be lacking. R.U.M.O.U.R.S.
Undertow Attire: Tomb RaiserCostumes (Tomb Raiser)

Presenting the Ninth piece of the Undertow Attire: The Tomb Raiser Undertow outfit. Now while there was nothing fishy about the Boomeranger one, This Tomb Raiser Is full-on fit for water-based fighting! If only Geode had huge lakes and such. Featuring a fishy, a shrimp and a terrifying squid!