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Featured Art Comments:
Ylva says: At first glance i couldnt tell that this one belongs to Shadow's Eve, but it very much does! With those soft and light colors you ve created a unique approach to the most scary event of the year, i love it!
DC013 says: Nice match! Mermaid and Phantolphin! I can't think about this cubble before. I really feel soft when I see this art ! lovely <3!
Featured Art Comments:
DC013 says: Nice Trick or Treat costume. lovely style! Also love the face part of Kentuky.
Featured Art Comments:
Ylva says: This art gives me a very warm festive feeling of celebrating with friends. Everyone so full of joy! And all the hidden details, wow, most certainly the case of the more you look the more you see!
Featured Art Comments:
erinnyes says: The Sun Goddess is absolutely beautiful! it has so much detail in it and it really embodies her! I also love all the other submissions. As an artist myself, I can really see how much they have enjoyed creating their submissions for this event. Keep up the great work you all are doing and keep on sharing your work!
Featured Art Comments:
Atronos says: I like the idea that a good-natured Trovian helps mediate between Dracocolatl and Goat'Guud so they can settle things with diplomacy instead of violence. Bonus points for sharing a sweet snack to celebrate the peace agreement
Inktrover #5 - Parlay, the Plunder Pup
Featured Art Comments:
Bodhi says: Ahoy, Trovians. Parlay, the Plunder Pup is my favorite among all the great submissions available. It was hard to have a final call... but i love dogs and pirates! A shout out to Synthesium great drawing skills too! Great Fan Art <3