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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Bloaty's Pizza Hog mod
Commented on: Bloaty's Pizza Hog mod
Commented on: Angel Tinsel mod
Commented on: Ancient Helix mod
Commented on: Qubesly the Imposter mod
Commented on: ATMOS C-TAC Armor collection
Commented on: ATMOS C-TAC Armor collection
let's be real when you Think about in the inside its nearly impossible to obtain the costume like 325 bottles that's impossible on the outside its pretty much easy bottles you can just run around the desert accidentally got almost 325 bottles from dungeons chaos chests and even from running around the desert same thing goes with robotics savages well you can't get them from the ground you can get them from recipe dungeons in neon city diamonds recommend dragonfires peak
Commented on: Captain texas art
this is a derpy south park character so start making more derpy south park character