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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Happy New Year Trovians!! art
Huh, didn't even know I was in this.
Happy Late New Year, I guess! (also, Merry Current Christmas)
Commented on: Rampage Datastreamer mod
Sorry for the late response. It replaces the Neon Stroke costume, helmet and sword models. However, the costume is in the game officially as well, so if you feel like grinding for it, go for it - it's in the final Crystallogy Bench tab.
Commented on: Masked Mercenary giveaway
Commented on: Carnage Datastreamer mod
Heh, I tried to make him look powerful - seems like I succeeded.
The fist is a bit big, yes, but it fits well imo. I would've made long blades (no idea how this type of weapon is called, I know that Bloodseeker from Dota 2 and the new Assasin enemy in Overwatch:Retribution use these) instead, but the punching sounds and animations don't really fit them. Thanks for the feedback!
And yes, the Knight is on my to-do list as well. Idk, we'll see. I think I'll try to make a costume for Dracolyte first, though...
(pretty busy currently, but I'm sure I'll find some spare time to make some more stuff for Trove)
Commented on: Voltage Datastreamer mod
Hah, well that's quite a confidence boost right there. Thanks!
I try my best when I'm into something, and I am totally into modding. This explains the quality.
Stay tuned, because I'll be making a Vanguardian costume in the same style very soon! :)
Commented on: Amperium/Resistors Preview page
Commented on: Illuminating Cablecrawler mod
It replaces... Diggsly! I used his rig, or atleast parts of it - I've built everything in his "hat" and "head" models, all others were made blank to be invisible.
This is an ally - it will have a bigger prototype created later. (Hovering Infosurfer, a hoverboard mag rider that will look really similar to this ally but slightly edited)
And after that... who knows? Stay tuned! ;)
Commented on: Rampage Datastreamer mod
I also hope to see this in-game, I hope atleast something gets in the game tbh. Anything from me to be made official would be an honor.
Anyways, expect to see some more stuff from me on the subreddit later - I'm about to start learning how to make those damn lairs haha.
EDIT: And now it's accepted. Huh.
Commented on: Rampage Datastreamer mod
That's quite reassuring. Thanks! I'll also try making some other stuff later, don't think I'm done yet, hehe.
I currently plan on making a lair - while also learning how to make a lair - since I already have both an active (mod-approved) item on the sub-forum - the Piercing Neoncaster spear, as well as an inactive mask - the Swift Glowcloak. I also have a hat, which isn't posted anywhere yet due to subreddit post count restrictions. Everything that has been made by me for Trove up to this point (and will be made in the future, maybe with some exceptions) is in the style & palette that you see here, on this costume.
Commented on: Frontier Freebooter [GIF] art
Commented on: Rampage Datastreamer mod
Hah, thanks a bunch for these kind words~
I'll try making a Luminopolis lair next, let's see how that'll work out.