
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Better invites - Configurable mod

Can it be configured so that it only accepts invitations from a specific person?

Commented on: Trove Español mod


intentare, pero no recuerdo como era esto aajajaj pero lo intentare 

Commented on: CrazyOnly Bunfest EGG Waypoint mod


Sorry for replying so late, yesterday the golden egg was added. thanks for the suggestion!

Commented on: Round Compass mod

Steam pls?

Commented on: Metal Kabuto mod

replacement to lvl20 VG o Replaces Resistor Vanguard?
Version TMOD?

Commented on: Lustrous Gem Box Compensation page

when they give away these boxes?

Commented on: Shadow Tower Souls and Caches Compensation page


I have Patrons and they gave me

3 Empowered Gem Boxes
10 Titan Souls
2 Lunar Souls

when will they fix this problem?

Commented on: Trove Español mod

Ojala lo pusieran en español! seria hermoso el juego. obviamente espero tambien que no traduscan los nombres de los personajes e items xD 

Commented on: Trove Español mod

Para el siguiente parche intentare traducirlas. :)