![](https://trovesaurus.com/data/catalog/c_mt_warhorse_panda_basic_ui[evilagician & ylva].png)
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Commented on: [Deleted Art] art
You are right. it's totally inspired from a Snorlax body, though i did not copy it.I looked at a photo and i have drawn the body.As you can see it's just looking decent , because i have drawn it myself. If it would be just copied it would look perfect . also the head , how is that copied ???I can tell you the tiem it took me to make. Around 5-12 mins.
It's a for Trove pandafest contest. It's a little refrence to a Sonrlax as the title : "A very large panda". Also do you even realise i don't have any chance to get any token from it since only really good pieces of artwork get stuff.
You have a great spirit of observation though. I appreciate it.
(Sorry fot the bad english)
Commented on: Radiant Shark art
Commented on: Paleolithic Panda Giveaway giveaway