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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Farewell Everybody!! art
Commented on: Demonization art
Commented on: Artistian art
Commented on: The Doctor is in. art
Commented on: the mushroom king's greatest conflict art
Commented on: Blocktronand his... Limbs? (LOOK IN DESCRIPTION!!!) art
Ok, so the description images I uploaded aren't working... I'll talk to Etaew about it.
Commented on: Trotting Otter (Art Challenge) page
Different art style? Oh Ho HOOOOO this will be fun! Thank you for this new challenge haha >:3
Commented on: 3 Years of Trovesaurus page
Im not really sure how to do the Feedback Contest, so ill just post it here!
I found out about this website when I was trying to find good Trove related sites for ways to see the things that I need for my Trove animated series I am planning. This site has helped me out alot! Im getting some things in one of my favorite games, I get to do things with one of my favorite communities, and this site has helped me get Alot better at art! Thank you for making this site and I hope I can become a more well-known person here!
Commented on: [Deleted Art] art
Commented on: Evil-day Contest - 24th Nov - 1st Dec page
Commented on: Evil-day Contest - 24th Nov - 1st Dec page
Does a recoloration of the neon city one count? I can't find the exact color scheme for it... x~x
Commented on: Power Panda Pack Giveaway giveaway
You get the talismans from uber 8 worlds, I think, then you craft em' at the Adventures crafting bench. :P
Commented on: Trovesaurus 3rd Anniversary event
Hmmm.... Mabye we could do an art, not really contest, but mabye some type of Trovesaurus themed mount that we could all make together, kinda like a collab! I think that would be cool :P
Commented on: Huyldirjr, Singer for the Silent Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Writhing Warlord mod
You little... I had JUST uploaded a costume drawing similar to this for the Revenantfest, I thought I had a cool idea! x-x
xD all cool tho I can't make mods yet haha