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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Wyntegra Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Expired Explorer Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Verses of Violence Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Wyntegra Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Llama Escape Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Cyberian Survivor Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Radiant PWN-E Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Turbo Duck Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Permafrost Panda Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Radiant Panda Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Cyborg Panda Giveaway giveaway
Boa sorte a todos voceis meus amigos que a sorte acampanhem a todos voceis, inclusive a mim kkk
Commented on: Power Panda Pack Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Cobalt Carp Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Protagonist Panda Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Revenant art
Me esforçei bastanto, foi o maximo que consegui chegar, mereço pelo menos uma moeda pelo meu esforço....
I tried hard enough, it was the best I could get, I deserve at least one coin for my effort ....