
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Undertow Dragon mod

Super Cute! \o/

Commented on: Trovesaurus 2019 art

Happy New Year! Love the snow globe i'm holding btw ^^ 

Commented on: Happy New 2020 Year, Trovians! art

 Happy New Year!

Commented on: Merry Christmas! art

Super cute drawing ^_^ you got to love those cookies! (for real everyone who reads this comment should try and make cranberry white chocolate cookies they are the best!)

I also love how Etaew is just sneaking around over there, all the little details are all so great \o/

Commented on: Cosmic gem mod

I love it! Thank you for creating this amazing mod! ^_^ 

Commented on: Rafina art

How much time did it take you to create this! It's amazing!

Commented on: Empowered Enemies art

It's perfect lol

Commented on: Thank you!! art

Thank you!!! It looks great \o/

Commented on: A card and a cake. art

Thank you \o/ Tbh I didn't even notice till you commented. lol 

Commented on: [Deleted Art] art

You get 100+ likes from me lol, this is amazing!

Commented on: The Geodian Dragon art

I think this looks more like a shadow dragon which the Sunseekers ended up enslaving. "I don't trust them even if they say they are pacifists lol." Overall I like the design o/

Commented on: PTS Strings - Geode page

I really do like the bomb mode for this update but the other part has really disappointed me. I was hoping that it would be a more tec theme style update because of the different planets and gear but we got a really magical style hub that just does not seem to fit on the planet it is on. It is ok a guess but I was really hoping for something a bit different. (way too many sun goddess idols)

Commented on: Novitus, Herald of Beginnings mod

I like your idea of having a certain dragon be able to be found in u1 and lower. I also like the design of your dragon. gj o/

Commented on: Wut? art

Congrats on reaching 25k o/

Commented on: The Heroic Tour Guide of Luminopolis art

I would like an outfit like this o/