medium adam
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Commented on: 3 Years of Trovesaurus page
i found the site while looking for guides on fast ways to level and power grind. the site overall is a huge help to any one playing trove i often use the class builds tab to help figure out what to grind for characters and it also helps keep me up to date with the trove news. the giveaways are alos a hughe help with getting my mastery a higher level even though im a pretty new player. the only problem i have is the mods section being PC only because most of the mods are really cool and helpful if there was a way to get the developers to implement a option (kind of like fallout did) on console versions of trove to be able to use certain mods too that would be great.cant wait to see what trovesaurus has in store for all of us in the future.
Commented on: Pandabot Prototype Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Pen's mf nn build Neon Ninja Build build
Alright i thpught he was special or something and did MD instead of Pd then got confused when it said both
Commented on: https://trovesaurus.com/build=5/pens-mf-nn-build
Commented on: Maelstrom Monitor Giveaway giveaway