
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: 3 Years of Trovesaurus page

I found Trovesaurus while googling for information on Trove.

I'm mainly using it to look up information about patch notes, to download new mods, to check the chaos chest rotations and class builds. I love your giveaways!

What I would love to see in the future is: An update of the information pages. Two examples:

1: In the Eclipse update, the subclass system got introduced. Trovesaurus had a really nice overview of which levels or pr would give which bonusses. However, with the introduction of the Adventures update, the Eclipse part got removed and I have no clue how to navigate to the page with the info on subclasses. I have to google for it.

2: The dragon page: The dragons obtained from dragon souls have the following info listed: "Unlocked through consumption of 50 Moonwing Dragon Souls, earned by opening Moonwing Dragon Caches." But these caches are no longer obtainable (for more than a year?). This is confusing for new players. Info needs an update! Other dragons don't have info at all, for example Aurym: "Crafted using: Dragon Crucible(Dragons)". Well obviously, I can see that when going to the Crucible myself. But it doesn't list any info on where to obtain the dragon egg, which is what I came to the page for! For some dragons when you click on the egg or fragments, it will direct you to a page which tells you how to get them. But for Blocktron for example, it doesn't say anything. I would like to see this guide updated to have more info and be more consistent between the dragons. Make it so that I don't need to go to other pages to see how I can get a dragon and what materials I need for it.


This inconsistency is there in many information pages. I guess because new things get added, and the style of the old information and new information is not the same. For example the List of Biomes page. I'd love for all the biomes to have an image. (and the new biome from the Adventures update didn't get added yet)